October Courses

Simple Logic – An Introduction to the process using contract to your benefit

When:  The next course is to be announced, which will run for 4 sessions  Each session will last for at least 2 hours starting at 7 PM EDT.  Total of 8-10 hours total depending on questions and participation levels.

Who:  Mozafar (Moz) Maleki;

Born in Iran before the revolution of 1978 and lived through some very challenging times. Although not so keen following schooling curriculum, he became industrial production planning (micro motion studies) and cost management specialist.  Work experience includes a working background in several fields and industries, including manufacturing, road and construction projects, international business and dealing with legal challenges.

His passion is improving ones options by removing unlawful challenges and mentoring others that may be attracted to the way Moz is using, which is based on contract laws.

What:  Simple Logic Mentorship (SLM), is result of Moz’s life experience and participation in many groups involved in “intentional communities” and “freedom seekers” sharpened his skills.

The name Simple Logic Mentorship signifies a process based on simplest logical solution to a challenge that is fair and win-win for all parties.

Simplicity is the utmost sophistication

SLM program is meant for mentees to gain knowledge and experience of mentor dealing with many challenges life may present.

These challenges are result of interactions between an individual and other members of society.

All interactions between individuals, entities and governing bodies are founded on contract and its rules and laws. “Social Contract” AKA “constitution”

Knowledge and experience in contract laws help individuals to asses their options considering laws and obligations of the parties involved in the contract enabling them to better strategies dealing with such obligations that often become challenges.

The course includes

Concepts: Enforcement of accountability for all

Tools: Maxims of law, Laws of Contract, oath of office and Useful sections of acts.

Strategies: establishing the lawfulness and legal limitations of the other party.

Implementation of the strategy: Administrative process, managing our verbal interaction, Not volunteering any discriminating information, preservation of evidence

Case Studies: Collection demands/ Banking, Traffic related matters, Supreme Court of Canada’s rulings

Ability to zoom in and zoom out

We encourage the following:

Hold everyone, including your self, accountable

Get to know (factual knowledge) their obligations, governing rules and relevant laws. Making sure everything you raise is factual, lawful and supported by evidence.

Put aside the panic! Perform and demand their performance of contractual obligations.

Implementing process supported by evidence and paperwork demonstrating you have done everything in your power in good faith trying to bring solutions to the matter and other party has failed.

The best defense is a strong offense

We will also discuss launching a claim against those who did not fulfill their oath of office and contractual obligations.

Gifting:  You may gift up to $250 for cause …Gifting  can be made via transfer to mentoring@letsi.com or via Paypal at the link below.

Thank you for your interest in the SLM program.

Looking forward to seeing you on our next SLM program.

mentoring@letsi.com or via Paypal (or Credit Card) by clicking the link below.


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